Our Building
Accessibility Information
Land Acknowledgement
Written by Lay Leader Sharon Thornberry, May 2023
We acknowledge the land our building is on as the traditional territory of the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Warm Springs and Yakama Nations as well as the traditional fishing grounds and gathering place of many Northwest tribes and bands.
These Indigenous Peoples have enduring and current relationships with the land, including public lands, and spaces where cities, towns, farms, ranches and timberlands have been built and managed by settlers.
We recognize that Native communities were forcibly removed from the land where we now reside and the continuation of harmful colonial legacies. We recognize that our denomination led the colonization of this region causing untold harm to the Indigenous peoples here.
We recognize that these actions disrupted Indigenous peoples’ relationship with the earth and its natural gifts causing hunger, disease, as well as cultural & spritual poverty.
We realize that a Land Acknowledgement is an evolving and persistent process focused on facilitating continued learning and growth. With this acknowledgement we hope that Indigenous people see themselves represented, respected, and valued and all learners benefit.
The Dalles First United Methodist Church is committed to a continued relationship with our Indigenous neighbors and partners. We recognize and honor these people as the sovereign stewards of this land and valuable members of our community.
Our church building includes a ramp to the back door from the parking lot, a lift, and wheel chair accessible pew area.
We also have hearing loops and large print hymnals available.
Zoom worship has captioning capabilities.